
I feel I’ve finally embraced it, the wrath of the Hannya demon. I’m tired of playing nice when I don’t feel it’s necessary. I’m sick of being fake and trying to like people who I have no intentions of having long term relations with…it really does make me nauseous. So since the new year is coming soon, I will personally create some goals. Goals I know I’ll meet no matter what:


  • To pay less attention to you because lord knows I’ve cared about you more than you care about me
  • To stop getting jealous over women who I know will always be alone, because their insecurities apparently reach over my level (god knows how)
  • To improve on myself and become better than any one I can think of
  • To boost my confidence and ego until it reaches the goddamn sky
  • To throw shade and not hold back because I’m just that rude of a person
  • To show that I can be ruthless and cunning and not to be fucked with
  • To finally get my gym regime back on track so I can forever look better than any bitch
  • And to finally get that goddamn Hannya mask tattoo all up on my thigh because it’s clearly who I am inside


It feels really good to finally accept myself. I always thought I would have to accept myself as a beautiful person inside and out, but let’s face it…some people are not cut out for that. In fact, the person on the inside, is someone who would throw you down, and look you in the eyes while punching your face in. That person is the type to tell you you’re ugly, even when you think you’ve hidden your fake intentions well but you can’t hide it from her. This person has worked so damn hard to reach a level of confidence only to be shattered down and broken, but has gotten back up again with a taped up heart and soul. This is the type of person who will call you out and face you instead of letting you tread all over her body. This is the type of person who will fight without hesitation if she gets pissed off.


Some people pretend to be clueless when they know damn well they’re doing something wrong, and that’s one biggest thing that pisses me off. These people will burn in hell and have nails pierced through their heads.



If we fight and you end up crying or if I end up crying, I will ask for space. I won’t let you apologize and I definitely won’t apologize anymore. I’m not sorry about this post because I’m just that horrible of a person.

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